
Showing posts from March, 2019

What's Wrong With Abstinence Only Sex Education

A Colorado bill that would bar abstinence only sex education from public and charter schools recently passed the House and is now moving on to the Senate.  This bill would ban abstinence only curriculums from sexual health courses on both the private and charter level, instead replacing the way those courses had been taught with comprehensive information on adolescent sexuality.  If this bill becomes law, it would would make Colorado the 15th state to not require abstinence based sexual health education to be a part of sex ed curriculums.  So, what is the deal with abstinence only sex education? What is the issue with it, why do states continue to support it, and how does comprehensive sex education differ from it? First of all, I think it's important to define what exactly abstinence only education is, as well as what comprehensive sex education is, even if it seems pretty self explanatory.  Abstinence only sex education is a type of sexual health education tha...

Adult Sleepovers and Long Term Relationships

I'm not going to lie.  I definitely started researching this topic on the side of this debate that adults don't have sleepovers; or that if they do, they don't continue to after developing more adult responsibilities such as long term relationships and professional jobs.  I started researching this topic to figure out if I was in the wrong, or if my reasoning was coming from the right place.  What I found is that I am not necessarily wrong to think sleepovers don't really have a place in established adult lives, but that it is a bit more complicated than that. Generally, across the research I did, there are two defining reasons that it is considered okay to spend the night out at a friend's house, and those are that it is too late to drive home safely, or that you are too drunk to drive home safely.  I agree with this; your safety should come before making sure you're home for bedtime, and if your significant other, or anyone else for that matter, wants to ...

The Ins and Outs of Travelling in a Relationship.

For many people, travelling is a hugely important part of their lives.  However, maintaining that part of your life while in a relationship can prove to be tricky.  In many cases, your relationship may not be cut out for the extended periods of time spent apart, the lack of physicality, and the change in communicative strategies.  Likewise, your relationship may not be strong enough to withstand exploring a new environment together.  Being away from home and in a foreign land can all have their own stressors, and if you are someone who values time apart, then being together for such an extended time could take a toll of its own.  So, with how many issues that can arise in a relationship during travel, what's the point of it?  Should you travel separately from your partner, or should all of the trips you take be together?  Or, for the sake of your relationship, should you just do away with travelling altogether?  Let's discuss. First of all, l...